
App for digital learning support

Dakora in iTunes

Dakora im Google Playstore

Ausgezeichnet mit dem Gütesiegel Lern-Apps.


The app allows teachers to connect tasks and materials with competences and allows students to solve and submit these tasks digitally.

diggr+ is an app that allows teachers to connect tasks and materials with competences and allows students to solve and submit these tasks digitally.

A teacher provides assignments via the app for their students. Those assignments are connected with competences (e.g. basic digital competences) so it’s possible to see which competences a student acquires or improves upon.

The tasks can either be assignments provided by teachers or independently uploaded by students themselves (“Open Learning”). Students submit assignments digitally and can assess their own performance and level of the competence that is connected to the given task.

Teachers assess submitted assignments and connected competences. They can add a comment to the submitted assignment and mark a task as completed.

The app makes it possible for teachers to see their students’ competence profiles. The competences that can be achieved are displayed as well as the level each student currently holds in each competence. Students can view their own competence profile.

In order to use this app, you need

  • a moodle installation with
  • a course: at least one course
  • the block exabis competencies (external plugin available via moodle.org)  inside the course with an activated competence grid, and
  • users: at least one teacher and one student user enrolled in the course.

Users that are enrolled in the course can login to the app with their moodle login data.

Powered by eduvidual.


  • Wochenpläne
  • Kompetenzprofile
  • Lernentwicklungsberichte
  • Thematische Kompetenzfelder
  • Selbst- u. Fremdbeurteilungsmöglichkeiten